Spende direkt an den gemeinnützigen Verein Birkenhof e.V.

Die finanzielle Unterstützung kommt dem Birkenhof e.V. zu Gute.

How much would you like to donate? As a contributor to Birkenhof e.V. we make sure your donation goes directly to supporting our cause. Thank you for your generosity!

Diese Information dient ausschließlich für unsere internen Buchungszwecke
Persönliche Informationen

Zahlungsmethode auswählen

Test GiveWP with the Test Donation Gateway

How it works: There are no fields for this gateway and you will not be charged. This payment option is only for you to test the donation experience.

Informationen zu deiner Spende
Donation Summary
Payment Amount
Giving Frequency
One time

Spendensumme: 50€